p generation
this is the name of the first two individuals that are crossed in a breeding experiment
Answer: The tracheids have important functions in the plant.
Explanation: The mechanical support is provided by the lignified walls of tracheid cell. the helps in other functions of the plant such as transporting water and getting the solute from the root to the stem and eventually the leaf of the plant.
The tracheids are most useful in the gymnosperms where elements need to be transported.
Identifying a tracheid in a cross section is quire easy as the tracheid cells fit into each other neatly and piled up similarly and have identical shapes as well which makes them obvious from other cells.
The two examples of tracheid plans could be
The most common thing that could be found in traceid plant is that this cells are mainly present for transporting either water other solutes in the plant body.
Increasing the temperature might cause proteins within an enzyme to denature. This will cause the enzyme to stop working properly.
Food that has been subjected to the salivia and the many digestive juices of the GI tract is called Bolus.
No only test on variable at a time or els you may get incomplete results