Option(D) is the correct answer to the given question .
Whenever a salesperson led to a new business point of view then following are the point he always doing for the good business prospective .
- Promotional tools are the trump card for the salespeople. Individuals or the user can obtaining the consumer 's objective and its use as well as it helps the influence a line of inquiry.
- Salesperson could have trouble recognizing all members of the purchasing center.
- The salesperson will check the list of the purchasing list of members .
- The salesperson must maintain the relationship that is the important step in creating the confidence to their possibilities.
Answer: They resigned due to involuntary departure.
Involuntary departure can happen to an acting CEO in any company. They CEO may have the backing of some of the majority shareholders but only a few can decide to oust them by involuntary departure.
There are several reasons listed why they are ousted such as;
- Unexpected poor performance
- CEO took retirement early
- CEO resigned without knowledge of the board members
- CEO wanted to find new job opportunities.
Answer: Windmill is not a CFC and none of the shareholders will have a deemed dividend under subpart F.
Subpart F income include insurance income, illegal bribes, foreign base company income, international boycott factor income, etc.
It should be noted that Windmill isn't a controlled foreign corporation that is the company isn't a corporate entity which is duly registered and then conducts business in another country that's different from its home country. Therefore, none of the shareholders will have a deemed dividend under subpart F.