The government changed and instead of being one of us the elite found the opportunity to get back in control.
The stock market crash was brought on be "black thursday", the elites plan to make Americans need their help, to beg for their help because they were suffering, starving, and dieing. They started bring us food and slowly helping us get back on our feet, therefore, gaining some leverage to get their feet in the door of the usa again
The federa l government prior had been a citizen, now they are a different entity because they are caring for and regulating the citizens.
The next step to finality will be the one nation and global control
Fort Sumter was the location of the first battle of the Civil War. Several southern states had already seceded from the Union, marking the beginning of political conflict, but Fort Sumter was where the military conflict/the Civil War technically began.
Federalism is a system of government in which entities such as states or provinces share power with a national government.