pray for me i fell sick
i ate a piece of carrot now im blind
What do you mean ? I’m confused..
The following code is a Python function that takes in the amount of change. Then it uses division and the modulo operator to calculate the number of coins that make up the changes, using the greatest coin values first.
import math
def amountOfCoins(change):
print("Change: " + str(change))
quarters = math.floor(change / 0.25)
change = change % 0.25
dimes = math.floor(change / 0.20)
change = change % 0.20
pennies = math.floor(change / 0.01)
print("Quarters: " + str(quarters) + "\nDimes: " + str(dimes) + "\nPennies: " + str(pennies))
What is the problem what am I supposed to do?