Free association
Free association is the expression of the content of consciousness without censorship as an aid in gaining access to unconscious processes. The technique is used in psychoanalysis which was originally devised by Sigmund Freud out of the hypnotic method of his mentor and colleague, Josef Breuer. - Wikipedia
Un cuerpo de principios fundamentales o precedentes establecidos según los cuales se reconoce que un Estado u otra organización se gobierna.
<span>What did pericles think about citizens who did not participate in politics, Answer is Pericles believed that a citizen who didn't participate in politics had no business in Athens at all.
Answer will help you.</span>
The mandatory expansion of state Medicaid programs
In 2012, the U.S Supreme Court decided to keep Obama's health reform law which established, as a requirement, that the majority of Americans buy their own health insurance starting in 2014, and declared that such reformation was not unconstitutional. Therefore, limiting a huge expansion of Medicaid, the health care program that provides for those in need, which back then was growing rapidly and being used by many Americans.
Una de las enfermedades más terribles de este periodo fue la peste negra, que causó tal epidemia que en aquella época se decía que apenas había vivos para enterrar a los muertos, ya que murió más de un tercio de la población europea.