Progressive Era
Purification to eliminate waste and corruption was a powerful element as well as the progressives' support of worker compensation, improved child labor laws, minimum wage legislation, a limited workweek, graduated income tax and allowed women the right to vote. :)
They wanted to show that they had control over the territory where they set up blockades that isolated the West as act of strength on their part.
Amin Mosque different from the Great Xian Mosque of China.
Amin Mosque built along the Silk Road and became the tallest mosque in China with its monumental minaret. The mosque built in 1779 during the Qing Dynasty. The mosque is walled and raised on a platform. Its design influenced by Persia and Central Asia architecture.
The Great Xian Mosque is the greatest in China. It is one of the ancient mosques which still preserved. It was built in the Ming Dynasty in 742 AD.
It would be hobo or homeless the people that travel an did not settle in one place
PLACES INCLUDED Albania. 2009. Belgium. 1949. Bulgaria. 2004. Canada. 1949. Croatia. ...
Denmark. 1949. Estonia. 2004. France. 1949. Germany. 1955. ...
Iceland. 1949. Italy. 1949. Latvia. 2004. Lithuania. 2004. ...
Netherlands. 1949. North Macedonia. 2020. Norway. 1949. Poland. 1999. ...
Slovakia. 2004. Slovenia. 2004. Spain. 1982. Turkey. 1952.