To some, yoga may just be an exercise regime that is extremely advantageous for your body, especially since it can increase flexibility, stretch muscles, and lower blood pressure. These movements and positions may be all what matters to a yogi. On the other hand, if a religious person in particular begins to practice secular yoga, this can definitely takeaway the essence of yoga to them. Yoga has many symbolic meanings and roots, and, regardless, this should be respected. On the other hand, there are many subsections of yoga that have been adopted by other faiths. For instance, The Los Angeles Times talk over the separation of yoga from Hinduism: “Christ is my guru. Yoga is a spiritual discipline much like prayer, meditation and fasting [and] no one religion can claim ownership.” Some Jews practice Torah yoga, Kabbalah yoga and aleph bet yoga. Although this makes yoga a bit different compared to traditional Hatha yoga, the faith component is still compatible
During the 1943 invasion of Italy, General Eisenhower was a leading force who was behind the general invasion. He was an important force during the war who dictated how the American army was running the war in Italy.
Hernán Cortés was a Spanish conquistador or conqueror that conquered the Aztec empire in 1521 with Help of commanders and leaders like Pedro de Alvarado, Gonzalo de Sandoval, Cristóbal de Olid, Nuño de Guzmán and others
It was the main cause as all great European powers wanted to spread their imperialistic and colonial power.
After Italy and Germany were unified European political scene was totally different. Old powers felt threatened by the rise of these countries, while on the other side, Germany and Italy, together with Austria-Hungary wanted to strengthen their role.
After the Berlin Conference it was obvious that France and Britain had dominance in the colonies, therefore the so-called Central Powers wanted to rearrange this.
Entente powers didn't wanted to change their stance and it was just a question of time when the world will begin.
Answer:The main power was KMT and it was extremely corrupted. Weak central government, lack of modern industrial base, various levels of corruption. Chinese troops when trained and decently equipped performed well.