You go to your normal high school class, but the credit that you earn for it will transfer to the community college.
In an Articulated Credit program, you take classes in your regular high school in order to earn college credit.
A I think not really sure
Answer: I could be wrong but id say
Genetics is the study of genes. Genes are functional units of DNA that make up the human genome. They provide the information that directs a body's basic cellular activities. Research on the human genome has shown that, on average, the DNA sequences of any two people are 99.9 percent the same. However, that 0.1 percent variation is profoundly important. t accounts for three million differences in the nearly three billion base pairs of DNA sequence. These differences contribute to visible variations, like height and hair color, and invisible traits, such as increased risk for or protection from certain diseases such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and addiction. Genetics and lifestyle factors—such as diet, physical activity, and stress—affect high blood pressure risk. NIDA research has led to discoveries about how a person's surroundings affect drug use in particular. For example, a community that provides healthy after-school activities has been shown to reduce vulnerability to drug addiction, and data show that access to exercise can discourage drug-seeking behavior, an effect that is more pronounced in males than in females.
All animals and plants have evolved to time the periods of their reproduction in accordance to the available resources, or rather they are more abundant and easier to get.
As examples we can take the apricot tree, as a plant, and the lynx, as an animal.
The apricot tree starts the process of reproduction when the temperatures are higher and when there is more sunlight. This usually starts from the beginning or middle of March. The reason as to why the apricot starts the reproduction during this period is because the warmer weather enables the bees to come out and pollinate it, while the sunlight is crucial because as a plant the apricot uses it for the process of photosynthesis.
The lynx is member of the cat family. It is a predator so it has timed its reproduction in accordance to the reproduction of its prey. The reason for this is that the lynx will need more food when it has cubs, so it is much easier to get more food when its prey has offspring as well as they are easy target, but also the mothers tend to be more defensive and often try to stand up to the predator which also makes them much easier targets.