They could influence you into hiding your feelings or peer-pressure could cause you to do bad things
Because I actually read and figured out the language I can say..
Dank je!!
Ik was ook dol op het citaat!
I don't really understand the poem. I can tell you a couple of thing about the poem that remind me of the outsiders. In the outsiders Ponyboy and the other kid (his name escapes me) ran away after he stabbed another kid. This reminded me of when the poem said "They'd banish -- you know!" because the reason they ran away is so they wouldn't get arreste so I think being banished is sort of like being arrested. I hope I helped. Please give me the brainliest.
G. Adolescents do not want to leave home if all of their needs are met. H. Adolescents ... normal makes me feel better because it helps me realize that I'm not alone and that this is a shared ... write poetry while being proud to show others. 3. 4 ... Read stanzas 1–3 of “Summer of His Fourteenth Year” aloud.
It seems to me it is as perfect as can be and I am the grammar perfectionist.