.....If the colors are from different segments of the color wheel.
Thank you for being the rare question where you actually provide what language you want your answer in; I approve, and encourage this.
In Java, the following will work.
I made it a bit more versatile to work with others numbers, other than 99, if you so please (if not, just hardcode the 99 in yourself).
// Example list - fill this with numbers yourself.
ArrayList<Integer> nums = new ArrayList<>();
int n = 99;
int count = (int)nums.stream().filter(i -> i == n).count();
System.out.println(n + " occurences.");
RAM and Hard Drive
An FRU is also called a Field-repleacable Unit and is usually an assembly that is easily removed from an electronic equipment, laptop or just a computer and replaced so that one does not have to take the entire system for repairs. When trying to equip yourself with this unit of a laptop, you must take your Random Access Memory and your hard drive as they contain the whole information on the laptop.
C major and A minor have no sharps or flats.
Files and email messages sent over the internet are broken down into smaller pieces called packets