As your appearance goes, your teeth are a big part of it. When people look at you, it is one of the first things they will most likley notice about you. Teeth are also important because they are the tools you use everyday to eat meals. As a result, teeth tend to be very important. Because of this, you must take care of your teeth by brushing every day and night. When you don't brush your teeth you can get bad breath and health issues such as cavities and gum disease. Taking care of your teeth will help you out in the long run because it will be timely and expensive to fix your mistakes later. If you don't take care of your teeth they can also rot. Rotting teeth won't help if you need to eat.
I gave you a paragraph to add on to :)
1. What can search the Internet and select elements based on important words? - a browser
In the Tragedy of the Commons, the issue of overcrowding was discussed, and Hardin used the example of sheep grazing land to illustrate its negative impacts.
When people have access to a shared resource and act in their own interests at the expense of other people, it creates a problem in economics and environmental science known as the Tragedy of the Commons. This may lead to excessive consumption, underinvestment, and resource depletion.
People's propensity to use shared resources to create a situation where demand far outweighs supply, the resource becomes unavailable to the group as a whole, and there may be a problem with scarcity and opportunity cost.
Learn more about Tragedy of the Commons: