Answer: If I am running, then I am exercising.
Reasoning: When you run, you are using your muscles to make your heart beat faster and lungs expand harder, which is part of cardiovascular exercise.
If you are awake, you aren't always studying. You can be awake and go to the beach or play video games in your room. Although, in a way, you are studying something when playing video games. You are studying the game's mechanics and how the game works.
If you are in the desert, you aren't always thirsty unless you haven't drank anything for a long time. You could be chugging down gallons of water throughout the trip through the desert and not be thirsty.
If you are biking, you aren't always moving. There are times where you will have to stop to repump your tires or stop at stop lights/signs.
If you are running, you are exercising your legs, heart, lungs, core muscles, and sometimes your stomach if you're running up a hill.