its D: It emphasizes the narrator’s denial.
kaitlinsierras gets credit i found their answer on the same question andd they got it right.
a. Are the good boys?
b. Are you very well?
c. Is it Expensive?
d. Are we Sick?
e. Am I Jane?
Todas as frases que você apresentou apresentam o verbo "to be", nese caso, para passar essas frases para a forma interrogativo, que representa uma pergunta, só precisariamos trocar o lugar do verbo com o do pronome. É importante não esquecer de iniciar a frase com uma letra maiuscula e colocar o sinal de interrogação ao finaliza-la.
She's also jealous of Anne's relationship with her son, wanting Peter to confide in her rather than in Anne. However, Mrs. van Daan does have a few strong points. She occasionally can be reasonable and back down from fights, is generally neat and tidy, and is often easier for Anne to approach than her own mother.
hope this helps you