It referred to the the people who were now taking the place to come with the meaning. "We the People of the United States"
Justinian's code was a sorted out accumulation and clarification of the Roman laws, it is imperative since it turned into the reason for legitimate frameworks of most present day European nations. It affected more than the kingdom. Individuals later on displayed their laws after the laws he made.
most people think that socialism defies the point of the us because it was built on capitalism but there are a few people who think
The Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on the German people.
The treaty caused war guilt, colonial losses, and reparations. The economy of the German population suffered greatly, along with their territory and military. It is stated that Germany lost about 10% of it's population. Germany had no say into what price they had to pay to have this treaty, which made many Germans believe that the treaty was too harsh. This treaty was what caused much of the hostility between Germany and the other countries which would lead into the second World War.
Hope this helps!