"self-determination was called popular sovereignty.
In Kansas, people on all sides of this controversial issue flooded the territory, trying to influence the vote in their favor.
Rival territorial governments, election fraud, and squabbles over land claims all contributed to the violence of this era"
It was located on the Mountain Parnassus, which showed its greatness and it thus dominated the area that was surrounding it.
The Oracle at Delphi, dedicated to Apollo was the most famous one in Ancient Greece. Oracles played an important role in life of Greeks, as they believed that destiny of every men is written in advanced. Many famous heroes and mythical figures came to this place to know more about their destiny.
The correct answer is Option D) Yellow River
The Yellow river is also known as the Huang He and is the second largest river in all of China.
It holds a special place in the history of the country as it is known as the birthplace of the ancient Chinese civilization.
Early civilizations all grew around large rivers which ensured plenty of water and great land.
The Egyptian Civilization grew around the Nile and the Indian civilization grew around the Indus River.
Similarly, the Yellow River gave birth to the early civilization in China, so much so that many historians say that the China we know today would not have existed if there was no Yellow River.
Proponents of cultural racism therefore argue that attempts at integrating different ethnic and cultural groups itself leads to prejudice and discrimination.
It lead to the holocaust and the death of many Russian citizens