A mathematician because of all their skills they have they suit the job
Answer: hi there! Have a good day/night :))
He should use PowerPoint and the design should be feathered
The programming code can be found in the explanation part, please go through it.
#include <pthread.h>
// function check whether a number
// is prime or not
int isPrime(int n)
// Corner case
if (n <= 1)
return 0;
// Check from 2 to n-1
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++)
if (n % i == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
void* printPrimes(void *vargp)
int *n = (int *)vargp;
int i=0;
for (i=2;i<=n;i++)
if (isPrime(i)) printf("%d\n", i);
// Driver Program
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int n = atoi(argv[1]);
pthread_t tid;
pthread_create(&tid, NULL, printPrimes, (void *)n);
return 0;