A tornado happens when you mix cold with hot
Answer: packets
Network navigation devices, such as routers, help data travel in bundles that are referred to as packets. As, networks that transfer the data in small packets are known as packet switching network and that packets carry the data using the internet and the protocol and each of the packet contain some information and data to navigate.
The correct answer for the given question is " The Code fragment A runs fastly than the code fragment of B".
In this question there are some information is missing i. e options. The question does not give any options. The options for the given question is given below
(A.) The Code fragment A runs fastly than the code fragment of B.
(B.) The Code fragment B runs fastly than code fragment of A.
(C) The Code fragment A runs as fastly as code fragment of B.
So we conclude the answer i.e option(A) because As given in the question list1 is a MyArrayList and list2 is a MyLinkedList. , in list1 we fetching the data easily and fastly means that it remove the data easily as compare to list2 As MyArrayList is storing the list only and also we can fetch the data easily manner.
The list2 is an object of MyLinkedList means that it manipulating the data fastly as compared to MyArrayList but if we compared the fetching of data then MyArrayList is a better option so the code fragment runs fastly then code fragmented B.
Business information
The building blocks are durable objects for content like corporate material, headings, timetables, and gallery advertising. The user can retrieve and utilize the building blocks at any time. The user can also design, saves, categorize and enter a description of their own building blocks, and tag them with keywords to help them find easily.
Business information is one of the main features of the building block galleries that is found on the insert tab in text group.