Grounds are located where warm and
cold currents converge, where warm and cold currents meet happens to have
regular foggy conditions, as the overlying warm and cold air come in contact
with each other. They also tend to have high biological productivity, because
plankton growth is encourage by the mixing of warm and cold currents. Some of
the world's most productive fishing.
There would be many differences as well as many similarities between these cells.
Similarities: All these cells will have the same DNA, the same chromosomes. The organelles in the cells would be the same.
Embryonic cells are totipotent. They have the capability to divide into every cell of the body.
Adult stem cells are pluripotent. They have the ability of divide into some different types of cells.
Skin cells can only divide into skin cells.
B. the long beak helps the bird eat insects.
Answer: Tsunami from earthquakes below the surface of the ocean.
Unexplained changes in wind and tide changes