Frog temperature. Frogs are ectotherms, this means they gettheir heat from external sources. They are sometimes called 'cold blooded', but in fact they do not have cold blood, it is justregulated by their environment. In comparison, humans are endotherms and can maintain their body temperature at about 37°C.
Surface currents in the ocean are driven by global wind systems that are fueled by energy from the sun. Patterns of surface currents are determined by wind direction, Coriolis forces from the Earth's rotation, and the position of landforms that interact with the currents.
A. spiral galaxies are not pinwheel-shaped
There are three types of galaxies that include spiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy and irregular galaxy.
Elliptical galaxies are round shaped as well as elongated. Elliptical galaxies have both old and new stars but mostly it contains old stars.
Spiral galaxies are pinwheel-shaped due to the regular spinning motion of dust, stars and gas around the galactic center, at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second which allows the matter to take a pinwheel-shape. Spiral galaxies are made up of lot of gas and dust and forms many new stars which allows the spiral galaxy to shine bright.
Irregular galaxies do not have any definite shape because of the gravitational influence of close galaxies. They also have many new stars.
Hence, the error is foudn in first sentence, where it says that spiral galaxies are not pinwheel shaped. so teh correct option is A.
1600km * 2 / 1000 = 3.2cm
2400km* 2/ 1000 = 4.8cm
2880km * 2/ 1000 =5.76cm
Answer: This might be helpful because t is a good basis for organizing elements because each element has a unique number of protons and atomic mass is an indirect way of organizing elements by number of protons.