Jews and disabled people, especially non blonde haired people
The rise and fall of Islam
The switch to agriculture was brought on by necessity not by chance. The human population had stagnated due to lack of food. Domestication solved this problem. Farming and raising animals produced more food in a smaller space than did hunting and gathering. Wild animals roamed and edible plant life could never be guaranteed. When domestication began , food sources stayed near the population. Rather than having to constantly relocate for food, groups could survive with a supply of food near at hand. Also, farming allowed for food to be stored and used at later times if alternative food sources ran short. These factors would allow for our population size to increase dramatically. - I don't know if this helps, but i tried :)
La colonia de la bahía de Massachusetts se convirtió en la primera colonia fletada inglesa cuya junta de gobernadores no residía en Inglaterra. Esta independencia ayudó a los colonos a mantener sus prácticas religiosas puritanas sin la interferencia del rey, el arzobispo Laud o la Iglesia Anglicana.
es eso
Option E
It contains factual information from the source.
I commented buh I guess you ain't seen it. Hope you pass dawg.