A person who enters a premises with the intention of committing a crime.
Because it's impossible to cover everything in a completely balanced way.
A bias is a factually unfounded notion, that is, a preconceived assumption about someone or something, based on the application of a stereotypical notion of a group to which the person or person who is the subject of the prejudice is considered to belong. In the absence of information about someone or something, knowledge gaps can be filled with general stereotypes. A bias can, for example, be based on probability and empirical evidence instead of statistical factual knowledge.
Your answer would be D.
The sentence that contains a dangling modifier is D. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. In the sentence above, "preparing for the experiment" is a present participle expressing an action but does not name the doer of the action. In English sentences, the doer of the action must be the subject of the main sentence. However, the doer of the action is not "several slides" (the subject of the main clause). Slides do not have volition, so they can't prepare an experiment.
As the doer of the action is not clearly stated, the participle phrase is said to be dangling. Consequently, you should name the appropriate or logical doer of the action as the subject of the main clause. In this case, it could be an NP such as "the scientist" or you can turn the whole sentence into a when clause --> When the scientist was preparing the experiment, several slides...