This is situational irony
situational irony is when something is expected to happen but the something else occurs. In this case it is Romeo try to win over Rosaline, but then falls for Juliet.
Answer: It is the oldest living animal species that has more than one organ. It has no brain. It has no central nervous system. It has no spinal column or bones of any sort.
One day, I was taking a walk around my neighborhood when I ran into a small, scared puppy. After a few minutes, I managed to convince it to approach me and started petting it. It was really cute, and I felt like keeping it. But the puppy seemed somewhat familiar, and I realized that I saw posters about a lost dog with a picture of this puppy attached. I picked up the puppy, walked to the spot where one of these posters was, and phoned the number the owner left. The owner picked up and was overjoyed that I found his puppy. We met soon after, and I was really happy that the puppy returned to its home. I felt like a did a good thing, and despite not getting to keep the puppy, I learned that doing the right thing pays off the most.