Shortness of breath is very common in the last trimester of pregnancy. This is because, the baby inside the uterus is growing and it starts to push the uterus that compresses the lungs above the diaphragm. This, leads to restricted expansion of the lungs while breathing and causes shortness of breath. Another reason for shortness of breath can be due to low iron content in the body.
If a pregnant woman in her last trimester reports occasional shortness of breath, the nurse should instruct her to:
1. take deep breath and start doing prenatal yoga
2. sleep on the left hand side
3. practicing good posture and standing straight
4. relax as much as possible
I suggest looking it up on google
a. significantly lesser
The density of protists living in the hay infusion is significantly lesser than the regular pond water because protists likes to live in aquatic or any water bodies. Some protists float on the surface of the water making their own food like plants by using the process of photosynthesis. Aquatic environments are ideal environment for protists, which have cilia and flagella that allows them to move in the water in search of food..
Prokaryotes: Organisms whose cells lack a nucleus and therefore have DNA floating loosely in the liquid center of the cell. Prokaryotes divide, and thus reproduce, by simple mitosis.