The first civilizations formed on the banks of rivers. ... Rivers were attractive locations for the first civilizations because they provided a steady supply of drinking water and made the land fertile for growing crops.
Peace and justice. Everyone waits 'world leader' to save the world.
1. Corresponding Author: Dr. Rifat Nawreen Islam Assistant Professor
Depertment of Forensic Medicine
Medical College for Woman and Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
2. Dr. Noor-E-Tabassum
Associate Professor
Depertment of Pharmacology
Medical College for Woman and Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
3. Dr. A K M Safiuzzaman MBBS MCPS Lecturer, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
4. Professor Md. Monowarul Islam Sarker MBBS MCPS Professor & Head of Forensic Medicine Department Medical College for Women, Uttara, Dhaka
The arousal theory of motivation suggests that we are always looking for different activities that allow us to maintain an optimal level of psychological arousal. If Jim and Mariee want to keep their level or arousal, they will look for an activity that implies physycal movement an, maybe, some sort of risky feelings, for example, running on the streets at night or climbing some tree. If they want to lower their level of psychological arousal, they will do something that doesn't imply that much risks or moving, for example, playing cards, watching a movie, etc.
d: against
Im not 100% sure thats the answer but it makes the most sense out of the answers and anti means against or away from something.