Food vacuoles that causes the yeast to turn blue indicates active digestive processes in the cell.The blue represents the mature food vacuoles as some yeast cells have now entered, and beginning the digestive process.
The ingested yeast cells appear red during early stages of being eaten. Later some of the yeast cells will enter into the food vacuoles to which acidosomes have fused, lowering the pH. The yeast cells within the food vacuole will turn blue, indicating active digestive processes in the cell. It is used for yeast uptake in the paramecium food vacuoles.
Sources emit greenhouse gases.
Global temperature rises.
Snow and ice.
Sea level rises.
Climate change is the critical alteration in the measures of
climate, such as temperature, rainfall, or wind lasting for an drawn-out
period. It can result from factors more
recently from human exercises through greenhouse gas emissions. The
"greenhouse effect" changes the composition of the atmosphere and traps
heat increasing the global average temperatures. Snow and ice, which helps
regulate the Earth's surface temperature, melts and fills reservoirs and other
bodies of water, causing a rise in sea level.
Synthetic because it is not a natural resource or material