Answer and Explanation:
As I don't have access to live butterflies, the control group would be clay models that do not exhibit warning coloration, e.g. beige / white / brown. In contrast, the experimental group would be the clay models that exhibir a strong warning coloration such as color orange / red.
After preparing the clay 'prey', I would locate them in specific places outside where birds are able to detect them. Moreover, I would use a webcam to monitor the recurrence of birds in the area.
1st experiment: Test whether birds approach the prey that exhibits both warning coloration (experimental group) and dull coloration (control group). Then, record the minutes they spent wandering near the prey.
2nd experiment: Test wheter birds feed on the prey that exhibits both warning coloration (experimental group) and dull coloration (control group). Record time.
Carry out statistical analyses.
Present results and discuss.
C. The separation of sister chromosomes
Rooting Reflex is a baby's tendency, when touched on the cheek, to turn toward the touch, open the mouth, and search for the nipple. Other behaviors include; sucking reflex; when an object is placed in the baby's mouth, he will begin to suck on it; grasping reflex; when touched on the palm of the hand, a baby will wrap his fingers tightly around the stimulus; moro reflex; infant startle response; when alarmed the baby will fling his limbs outward, then retract them and hold them close to his body. and also Babinski reflex; when stroked on the bottom of the foot, a baby will spread its toes.
The answer is an enzyme.
When cutting DNA, scientist uses enzymes called restriction enzymes. These enzymes are naturally produced in bacteria as a defense against phages. So, enzymes cut DNA of the phages and thus inactivate it. Also, these enzymes do not cat DNA randomly, but on specific sites. This characteristic of restriction enzymes is used for some molecular biology techniques. All species' DNA contains target sites of restriction enzymes, but most organisms do not have restriction enzymes. Therefore, restriction enzymes are suitable for different techniques.
the answer would be D!;
every object attracts every other object in the universe, with a force that increases as the objects' masses increase and the distance between them decreases.