The key you need to press together with the click to be able to redirect to a hyperlink is the Control key.
In an electronic environment, a hyperlink is usually a word or phrase, highlighted in blue and underlined, or even an image, found in a web text and containing the command to "transfer" the user to another relevant web page, from the source node to the destination node.
By selecting this word or phrase the user has the ability to further research a topic from a variety of perspectives to compare information from different sources and actors.
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(a) What is the best case time complexity of the algorithm (assuming n > 1)?
Answer: O(1)
(b) What is the worst case time complexity of the algorithm?
Answer: O(n^4)
(a) In the best case, the if condition will be true, the program will only run once and return so complexity of the algorithm is O(1)
(b) In the worst case, the program will run n^4 times so complexity of the algorithm is O(n^4).
a.The primary purpose of JavaScript is to enable features such as validation of forms before they are submitted to the server.
On web pages before submitting the day, end user has to do client validations such as whether data enter is correct data type, so end user for client side validation been eiher by VBSCRIPT (visual basic script language) or (JavaScript java script). Internet explorer or Microsoft edge uses VBSCRIPT for web page validation.
For visual basic script languages end user should have enough knowledge on visual basic programming languages. Same away for java script end user have enough knowledge on c language.
Both Scripts are used for client side validation on success of validation end user will submit web page form for next action. JavaScript is used in most of the browser including Microsoft explorer or Microsoft edge.
<em><u>An electronic speed control (ESC) is an electronic circuit that controls and regulates the speed of an electric motor. It may also provide reversing of the motor and dynamic braking.</u></em>
<em>I </em><em>hope</em><em> this</em><em> helps</em><em>!</em></h3>