In the United States of America the congress is formed by two different chambers.
In the United States of America the congress is formed by two different chambers. The first one is the the House of Representatives and the second one is the Senate. According to this structure the congress is considered a bicameral legislature structure that operates in the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Both structures are important for the development of the tasks proper of the congress. The lower house, The house of representatives is the elected for a period of two years and every congress individual represents a specific district, they are encouraged of presenting amendments, introducing bills and resolutions.
On the other hand, the upper house, The Senate has different powers which include to present revenue bills, destitute federal officials, in case of tie in the presidential elections the senate is the one that chooses the president.
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Hi. I was only able to find three legal wrongs. Hope this helps. The three legal wrongs are tort, civil, breach of contract. A legal wrong is either a violation of a person's right or the failure to perform a duty. Torts are legal or civil wrong that is committed that causes a loss. Civil is a legal wrong that causes of action under the government law. Breach of contract is a legal wrong when someone does not follow or does not honor the contract.
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