$4500 in interest.
Step-by-step explanation:
9% of 10,000 is 900, 900 x 5 is 4500
180 cm2
Area of a polyhedron:
btw parallelogram is a 2D pic how you can come out a ''base'' and ''height''? It should be called a polyhedron. Your question is weird.
If so, your ''area of parallelogram'' is 15cm2 since your question is hecking weird.
Btw it's 15cm2 not 15
Please check ur question b4 u ask
Square Root of 8 to the nearest tenth, means to calculate the square root of 8 where the answer should only have one number after the decimal point.
Here are step-by-step instructions for how to get the square root of 8 to the nearest tenth:
Step 1: Calculate
We calculate the square root of 8 to be:
√8 = 2.82842712474619
Step 2: Reduce
Reduce the tail of the answer above to two numbers after the decimal point:
Step 3: Round
Round 2.82 so you only have one digit after the decimal point to get the answer:
To check that the answer is correct, use your calculator to confirm that 2.82 is about 8.
If the first slice is pepperoni, then we have left:
1 slice of pepperoni.
2 slices of mushrooms.
2 slices of anchovy.
Then the possible combinations are:
Pepperoni and pepperoni (in only one combination)
Pepperoni and mushrooms (in two combinations, because there are two slices left)
Pepperoni and anchovy (Again in two combinations, because there are two slices left)
These are the 3 possible combinations, 5 in total.
Step-by-step explanation:
X+X=50 I hope that help