C. wetland
A wetland is an area of land, generally flat, whose surface is permanently or intermittently flooded.When regularly covered with water, the soil becomes saturated, becoming depleted of oxygen and giving rise to a hybrid ecosystem between purely aquatic and terrestrial Considering that the fundamental concept of a wetland or wetland is not water as such but rather "humidity", we can speak of "wet ecosystems" interdependent of water, whether surface or underground.
One of the most crucial differences between Shia and Sunni Muslims is the importance that the Shiites give to Ali, whom the Sunni do not recognize as being the prophet's rightful successor.
The civil rights movement was a struggle for justice and equality for African Among its leaders were Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, the Little Rock By the mid-20th century, African Americans had had more than enough of They, along with many whites, mobilized and began an unprecedented fight The use of non-violent public protests and the advocacy of legal changes by the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s influenced the protest methods of other groups in American society.These techniques included public protests, sit-ins, boycotts, and other forms of non-violence.