relationships are results of ineffective communication which is also a cause of
conflict, this happens when (1) not talking things out, (2) not listening to
the side of the other, (3) close-minded, (4) not explaining well, (5) not
facing your responsibilities whether good or bad.</span>
You just carried out flex ion of the legs
The joint is the ball and socket hip joint
sweat and vasodilation
Hyperthermia is when the body is too hot. (Not to be confused with hypothermia, when the body in too cold).
When we sweat, we are releasing moisture, like little bits of water, onto our skin. The water uses up heat energy from the body to evaporate. Because the body loses heat energy, it cools.
Vasodilation is when blood vessels widen. When this happens, the blood vessels are closer to the surface of the skin, allowing heat to escape through and exit the body.
Shivering and vasoconstriction would help to keep a person warm. Shivering makes the muscles on the body move, which increases heat. (Think of exercise, but on a small scale).
Vasoconstriction keeps blood vessels away from the surface of the skin.
It can be changed by diet and exercise
Diet and exercise are labeled important components of the treatment strategy for adults with type 2 diabetes. it improves insulin sensitivity and glycemic control