They wrote in the amendment clause into the original constitution allowing for constitutional amendments as long as they were approved by a 2/3 vote in both the Senate and House of Reps and wasn't declared unconstitutional by the Judaical or Executive branches. Also a amendment can not be erased from the constitution another amendment must be placed to void it. <span />
b. Odysseus' return to Ithaca
just got done reading it in english.
I would think most "Americans" are lazy and are just looking for a way out of taking the blame for why the u.s. is spiraling downward and so would a few other people but probably Most people in the country today would define an American as an independent and self reliant individual with strong family ties and strong loyalties to groups, individuality and individual rights.
hope this helps :p
Initial trail from any court either customary or magistrate Court perculiar to the state or community; if the verdict is unsatisfactory to both the defendant or plaintiff, the High Court is sought if the judgement is unsatisfactory to both parties; an Appeal Court is sought if the judgement is unsatisfactory then the Supreme Court is Sought.
The idea is that a Higher court in Authority has the ability to repeal any given judgement by her current judgement.
They definitely wanted to have a peaceful life in America and each side wanted to have their different ideals but they in general did not want war. They also would have just wanted the political leader of the south and the north to resolve the slavery issue