The use of commas was incorrect.
The use was incomplete. There need to be more commas to separate nouns in a group, like this:
- Winter, spring, summer, and fall are all beautiful when you live in southern California.
- Lena's favorite sports are tennis, swimming, and soccer.
- Steve, Marco, and Harvey went to the library.
- I went to the post office, the pharmacy, and the grocery store.
When someone was bullying me I felt like I'm not important and I started hating my self because they always bullied me on my looks and my hair and the words they say really hurt my feelings because they might feel like they are not doing nothing to you but deep down they know the pain and how it feels like to get bullied but they still continue on what they do. My feeling are hurt when I'm getting bullied and when other people are getting but it just pain to see them get bullied but your just standing there worrying about how they will treat you after you stand up to the person. Bullying is just something you should take like a joke because it can lead to major depression, suicide ,and shooting up schools so if I were you I would stop bullying now. (I was bullied and I had depression and to this day I still do because I'm still getting bully).If this is true to you.
After the Captain's death, Crusoe decided to go on his second voyage. He went to back to the Guinea coast. Unfortunately, the ship he was on was attacked by pirates as they headed towards the Canary Islands. Crusoe and the ship's crew were captured and made slaves.
Crusoe became the personal slave of the pirate's master. From being a successful merchant, Crusoe became a miserable slave.