The translation is the process during which the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA is read in the form of genetic codes. The nucleotide sequence of mRNA is complementary to the template DNA strand. According to the sequence of the nucleotides in the mRNA, the amino acids are added in a specific order to make the polypeptide chains. The process occurs on ribosomes. The ribosomes move along the mRNA to read its sequence and the tRNA brings are amino acids to be added to the polypeptide chains.
rapid burial of vast amounts of vegetation
The organic matter is always decomposing, just that it depends on the conditions at what kind of a rate the decomposition will happen. If the climate is warmer and humid, then the decomposition is very quick. This results in a rapid burial of enormous amounts of vegetation. As the vegetation dies out, it piles up constantly, decomposes very quickly, and if there is something that can cover it, like mud for example, it will be buried in the ground. This is actually how the big deposits of coal have got the basis to form in the Carboniferous period.
I am going to have to say algae and fungus.
Hope this helps, if not, comment below please!!!