Codex of Hammurabi
The codex of Hammurabi was a set of rules that were written by King Hammurabi who reigned Mesopotamia from 1792 to 1750 B.C. The laws were written on top of a stone stele and considered to be earliest examples of written public record of consistent laws
The codex covered set of rules that's designed to maintain order within the empire. It include things such as Punishments for criminal activities, proper way to conduct trades, and how the government officials should behave toward the people
Union strategy would focus on maintaining a tight, effective blockade to shut down the ports; the Confederate strategy would focus on breaking the blockade or minimizing its effect to allow the ports to operate freely.
The Greensboro Sit-In was a critical turning point in black history and American history, bringing the fight for civil rights to the national stage. Its use of nonviolence inspired the Freedom Riders and others to take up the cause of integration in the South, furthering the cause of equal rights in the United States.
1970s had slow economic growth and high inflation; things get more expensive while wages stay the same i. Immediate cause is the Vietnam War - caused deficit spending ii. Longer term cause is all that money being directed to the war was taken away from domestic spending