A dog breathes in oxygen and then releases carbon dioxide when he exhales. Conversely, a tree gives off oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. So the breath of the dog sustains the tree while the output of oxygen for the tree sustains the dog.
1. opening Voltage gated channels
2. Calcium
The signals are transmitted in the neurons in the form of electrical signals and which are transformed into the chemical signals at the synaptic cleft.
The electrical signal is transformed into a chemical signal when the electrical impulse reaches the terminal of the axon and opens the calcium voltage channels. The calcium which is present in a higher amount than inside enter into the terminal and allows fusion of the synaptic vesicle carrying neurotransmitter and the neurotransmitter is released into the synapse.
The neurotransmitter then binds the receptors and initiates the electrical impulse in the postsynaptic neuron.
Thus, opening Voltage gated channels and Calcium is the correct answer.
One advantage of genetic engineering is the production of valuable proteins: recombinant DNA made possible the use of bacteria to produce proteins of medical importance such as genetically engineered human insulin which is of great importance.
Another advantage is the production of vaccines. Vaccines produced by genetic engineering offer an advantage that the microbial strains from which proteins are extracted do not contain complete viruses and thus there is no risk of accidental inoculation with live virus.
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Stimuli is detected by receptor cells . These stimuli are converted to electrical nerve impulses carried by sensory neurone to relay neurone where it is processed by Central Nervous System . The response is carried by the motor neurone to the effector s which are muscles or glands which reacts to the situation