atmospheric humidity.
used to measure the amount of water vapor in air, in soil, or in confined spaces. Humidity measurement instruments usually rely on measurements of some other quantities such as temperature, pressure, mass, a mechanical or electrical change in a substance as moisture is absorbed.
A. Occurs mostly in males.
Hope this helps. [:
I am pretty sure it would be A
When the females tend to form a solitary group, the adult males have an advantage of mating with females in different social groups thus enhancing on the productivity of the species.
When both the sexes of the species tend to make a group, the males and the females of the group have to mate with the members of that particular group and hence the males have restricted mating options which reduce the size of the herd. When the females have a separate social group, the males can mate with the members of different groups and raise the herd size in a short period of time. This helps in the increase in the population size and also helps in avoiding inbreeding depression which happens among small grouped animals.