the answer is john adams and alexander hamilition hope this
helps :)
The user is prompted for input
# the input is assigned to user_tweet
user_tweet = str(input("Enter your tweet here:"))
# if statement to check if LOL is in the user_tweet
if('LOL' in user_tweet):
# If there is LOL in the user_tweet, it display
# LOL means laughing out lous
print("LOL means laughing out loud.")
# if there is no LOL in the user_tweet
# it display "There is no LOL in the tweet
print("There is no LOL in the tweet")
The code is well commented and written in Python.
It prompts the user for tweet, then check if the tweet contains LOL, it there is LOL it displays "LOL means Laughing out loud" else it display "There is no LOL in the tweet".
The white potato<span> is referred to as the "</span>Irish potato<span>" because it is associated with the is the most important commercial variety produced in the </span><span>United States.
All of the aforementioned were designed to help the Allied powers during World War II. Even though the US wanted to stay "neutral" when World War II broke out, they did want to benefit by maintaining economic relationships with these countries.
The Lend-Lease Act is a perfect example. This allowed the US government to lend weapons and other materials to nations like France, Great Britain, and China during World War II. If the goods weapons/materials were destroyed, it was on the country using them to replace it.
The Cash and Carry policy was another example of the US government helping the Allied powers. This policy stated that countries may buy materials from the US, as long as they pay in cash and provide transportation for the materials at their own risk.
Both of these show that even though the US was not technically in the war yet, they heavily favored the Allied powers.
It should be remember at the fact that this day change the country forever.