In college, your professors rarely reach out to you. High school educators often take more initiative, and would often check in with you if they notice something off. In college, you're expected to take that initiative and actively network with your professors.
women with less education experience domestic violence at higher rates than women who have achieved a higher level of education. a victim of domestic violence is greater for those with less than a high school or college education
Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn contains many topics worthy of a deeper look, especially in the form of an essay. Topics and themes such as morality, family, racism, religion, and freedom, as well as some others, are dealt with in the book, in Twain's own special way.
I'd like this one!
guns, germs, and steel
the three major elements that separate the world's haves from the have-nots are developing agriculture, living in areas without natural geographic barriers, and acquiring immunity to diseases.
I don’t know the thing is when i do not know i’m answering this because i don’t know or speak your language