radical feminism
Radical feminist tought shares the essence of the liberal feminism that emerged in the late part of the 20th century. But the ambitions of the radicals, are broadened into the political realms and they advocate for a new order in society with shifting of values and empowering women at workplace and in everyday life.
The fight began first when New York Radical Feminists (1969), Politics of the Ego was published as a Manifesto.
<u>This document expresses the view, that females were subordinated as a series of legal practices that blocked women's entrance and success into the public spheres.</u>
They strive for sexual equality then turned into reshaping the order in society. So the traditional and long-held values where males dominated will be subject to the view that patriarchy is to be abolished.
The radical feminism will base on Gender studies to create new and different values to cease male influence and base this new order on "female values"
<em>Key Groups that were part of the radical feminist wing of feminism can be the following:</em>
<em>Redstockings, New York Radical Women (NYRW), the Chicago Women's </em>
<em>Liberation Union (CWLU), Ann Arbor Feminist House, The Feminists, WITCH, Seattle Radical Women, and Cell 16. </em>
We can minimize the effect of disasters by helping to stop global warming.
Hope this helps!
Answer:Drug addicts will have an even greater need for quick cash to support their habits.
Interdiction refers to the fact that the government will forcefully stop the transportation of drugs .
When this happens this means no drugs are reaching the addicts and because they are already addicts and can no longer live without these drugs they will react hastily and commit crime.
They will get these reactions from their bodies that they can not control and as result they act irrationally and illogically.
The correct answer is letter B
Olfactory sense is one of the five senses through which odors are perceived. The nose, equipped with olfactory nerves, is the main organ of smell. The olfactory nerves are also important to distinguish the taste of substances that are inside the mouth.
In the nasal cavities, the particles dissolve in the mucus, reaching the olfactory hairs of the olfactory cells. In these, the odor is transformed into nerve impulses, which are transmitted by their axons to the olfactory bulb, followed from this to the brain by the olfactory nerve.
Transduction is a transformation of physical or chemical stimuli into electrical potential by sensory receptors. Whether neuronal or secondary sensory cells, all highly specific.
"Liberia" is the one African country among the following choices given in the question that <span>was founded as a home for former slaves in America. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or the penultimate option. I hope that the answer has helped you.</span>