i would like to be me cause no one is better hten your selve and you might think these people are living there lives but in reallity everyone has there problems and you dont need to be someone else to be happy or be rich you have to work hard for it
the real reason i want to be myself is because my life is already perfect and i can play games 24/7 and still earn money so
Go back to the text and re-read a passage where Watson made a discovery. If Sherlock praises him, you've got your answer. I'm sorry if this wasn't much help, but I don't have any text to go off of.
No, it is not using passive voice.
for passive structure, the format is:
Object+ are+ being+Verb 3 + Subject
44, Srinagar colony
Date - 30 June 2019
The editor
National daily
Subject - long oversetting
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards long power cut in our colony.
A Long power cut is creating great inconvenience to the peoples but also to the students especially to the students who are going to give their boards this year. And even peoples are not able to sleep especially the working persons. Old and sick are also facing so many problems as they are not able to take rest properly.
So, I shall feel highly obliged if you kindly publish the above views of mine in ur esteemed newspaper. So that concerned authorities can take actions after reading these problems in your newspaper.
Thanking you
Yours truly