C). The particles move slower until the matter changes into a liquid.
When heat is removed the particles condense turning it into a liquid and further cooling will turn the gas into a solid.
Tha main components in blood are the plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood platelets.
Plasma is like the main component that makes up most of the blood. It has a light yellow color and it carries many substances including nutrients, waste, hormones and more.
Red blood cells are the reason why blood is red in color. They have a hemoglobin inside them which can help carry oxygen for the tissues and organs. In order to maximize the oxygen carrying capacity, they don't have a nucleus.
White blood cells can be divided into phagocytes and lymphocytes. Their main function is to protect us from diseases. Phahocytes and engulf and digest bacteria, while lymphocytes can produce antibodies.
Blood platelets can cause blood clotting which can stop us from bleeding forever. They're not cells, but just fragments of cells. They also don't have nucleus since they're not complete cells.
B. genotype
Genotype determines an organism's phenotype.
All of the above answer choices are correct.
Test cross is done to find out the genotype of an individual displaying dominant phenotype as it can be homozygous or heterozygous. To find this the individual is crossed with a recessive phenotype individual. For example: a dominant trait tall height can be homozygous TT or heterozygous Tt. If it is TT all the offspring of test cross with tt will be tall. If it is Tt half of the offspring will be tall and half of the offspring will be short.
Multiple offspring are required to come to the final result because offspring production happens in random order and it might take a few tries before another type of phenotype is produced. For example: If a test cross produces an individual with dominant phenotype we can still not surely say if the test individual is homozygous or heterozygous because both can produce dominant phenotype in test cross. We need more offspring to check if the recessive phenotype is produced or not and accordingly decide the genotype of test individual.
Hence all of the above answer choices are correct.