yes because if one student feels they are being treated unfairly could result in bullying of a student that they think is being favorited or it could end up as resentment towards the teacher.
<span>Robert Merton used the term dysfunctions for the harmful consequences of people's actions.
According to Merton, functions (people's actions_ in society can either be functional (positive) or dysfunctional (negative). Here, we are focusing on dysfunctions- harmful consequences of people's actions. Dysfunctions in turn can either be manifest (obvious and expected) or latent (hidden and unintended). A manifest (expected) dysfunction is rowdy behavior at a football game, whereas, a latent (hidden) dysfunction is the effect of urbanization on an endangered bird species.
The correct answer is A) the same as that of a buyer. To solicit orders and get ratification and acceptance from his or her employer.
The legal authority of a salesperson normally is the same as that of a buyer. To solicit orders and get ratification and acceptance from his or her employer.
That is the reason why a salesperson is hired for. He/she interacts with the consumer, offers the best deal possible according to the indications of the manager of the store, he/she offers a good explanation of the benefits of the product, answer questions, and generally treat the consumer in the best way possible to make it back soon and if its possible, create loyalty to the store. If the salesperson does a good job, it is rewarded. If not, some consequences could be legal in the case of a thief.
Most economists consider 5% to be acceptable.
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