I would say that Kinshasa which is the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and I figured this out by pulling up a map of Africa with lat and long and then seeing which country the co-ordinates would be in then determining what the capital of this country was.
Traditional Authority is when laws and ideas and the way of life in the places are largely ruled by whatever the custom of that time is.
So if the custom was to have red houses with blue roofs then the law would be you are only allowed to have red houses with blue roofs.
Does that make sense I hope it does?
I belive this is India as it has a struggling economy and impvoerished conditions
criollos and peninsulares
During the Spanish ruling in Mexico, the population was very segregated, mostly on ethnic base, or on place of birth. This created lot of tensions, as the Spanish born in Spain, called peninsulares, where the ones on top of the hierarchy as they were considered to be superior, while the Spanish born in the Americas, called criollos, were considered as inferior and were lower in the hierarchy. This gradually led to big displeasure, especially because the criollos were treated badly, so the people started to gear up for revolution in order to gain independence and kick out the Spanish. The moment was right once Spain got attacked by France on European soil, so its military was focused in defending the homeland. The criollos and the other ethnic groups organized and attacked, being able to overcome the weakened Spanish forces and gain independence.
Hurricanes form in warm, tropical waters between 8° and 20° latitude, north of the equator, in the North Atlantic or Northeast Pacific oceans.
Answer is B.