Answer: I find drawing really enjoyable a lot. When I draw, it just takes my mind off of the bad stuff and helps me cool down. When we draw, we can think of lots and lots of creative ideas and maybe show it to others! Also, drawing can help us get better with our emotions, inspire us, or possibly tell stories! Another advantage of drawing is increasing our memories. For example, if you had an upcoming test, exam, etc, you can draw your notes or answers in some sort of form you like, to help remember it.
(Hope this is good enough. If not, just tell me -v-)
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An argument uses logic to show why your stand on an issue is the best choice. An argument needs evidence and conclusion that convinces the reader or listener and validates the argument's premises.
It is necessary to collect pieces of evidence and logic behind the evidence to convince. it should claim your stand on an issue. Arguments should ignore the hasty generalizations such as pink color is associated with girls and blue to boys.
The sentence "Fustian writing is where you write pompous, bombastic nonsense." is illogical for the following reasons:
1. Fustian, like the sentence implies, means pretentious speech or writing.
2. Fustian writing does not refer to a place.
3. The word <em>where </em>is used to refer to a place.
4. Using the word <em>where </em>implies that<em> fustian writing</em> is a place, which is wrong.
Therefore, one can correct the sentence and say this instead: Fustian writing is when you write pompous, bombastic nonsense.
Kinds of changes in travel foreseen in future and the impacts on the society human beings and environment
In the history of period there have been many changes in travel first man started travelling by walk and then he invented the wheels and this is the important point in history which marks the beginning of travel. He started to explore things and then the evolution changes and he started to travel to far places to explore things.
By the invention of airplanes travel took a different change in which he started to explore nations and he started to write about them. As changes in the mode of travel developed man also began to develop he started to learn from different cultures and from different nations.
Now evolution in travel has led him to the space by sending people to space and satellites to navigate. Thus travel has a huge impact on the society environment and the human beings