Answer:The solution is in the attached file below
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer: indirect characterization
Step-by-step explanation:
Indirect characterization is a method of indicating what a character is like by revealing their personality through descriptions of their actions, speech, appearance, and interactions with other characters.
The answer
there is no more explanation about this question, the solution can be found easily by applying the rule of transformation of rotation
for example, the properties of rotation transformation are:
A rotation preserves length but does not necessarily preserveslope of a line.
A 90° rotation ( 1/4 turn) anticlockwise about the origin changesthe point (x; y) to (-y; x).
A 180° rotation ( 1/2 turn) clockwise or anticlockwise about theorigin changes the point (x; y) to (-x;-y).
A 270° rotation ( 3/4 turn) anticlockwise changes about the originthe point (x; y) to (y;-x).
so the answer is
<span>R0, 270°</span>
To get better at 12's:
Write down on your paper your 1's facts in column skip 5 and 11 going to 14 (a vertical line - line that goes up and down). To the right of that column, write your two's facts 0 to 8 and repeat again. Then you will have your 12's! Should look as follows
0 0 = 12 x0
1 2 = 12 x1
2 4 = 12 x2
3 6 = 12 x3
4 8 = 12 x4
6 0 = 12 x5
7 2 = 12 x6
8 4 = 12 x7
9 6 = 12 x8
10 8 = 12 x9
12 0 = 12 x10
13 2 = 12 x 11
14 4 = 12 x 12
So.. both sides divided by 4.
Now u have 14/68=x/6 -5
Multiply all by 6
Now u have 84/68=x-30
X=31 4/17