There is no short answer.
First let's create the string:
- alphabetString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
The first half of the string using slice method can be written as:
- alphabetString.slice(0, 13);
The first half of the string using only the ending index can be written as:
- alphabetString.slice(-13);
When we put - at the start of the index number, the counting begins at the last element with -1 and goes backwards.
The second half of the string can be written as:
- alphabetString.slice(13,26);
The second half of the string using only the starting index can be written as:
- alphabetString.slice(13);
To get the every second letter in the string, we need a for loop:
- for( let x = 0; x < alphabetString.length(); x = x + 2){
To get the entire string in reverse, we can use the reverse method that is built-in:
- alphabetString.reverse();
To get the every third letter of the string, we can again use a for loop:
- for( let x = -1; x = -27; x = x - 3){
I hope this answer helps.
Answer: (C) Interrupt
Explanation: Interrupt is sort of a signal that is responsible for breaking of the continuity or sequence by occurring in hardware or software. Thus, input, output and memory may experience some sort of error in their sequence that is known as interrupt. The interrupt is a temporary situation and can be managed using a interrupt handler.Hardware are usually of two type - hardware interrupts and software interrupts.
Answer: Game designer, sound engineer, software engineer, writer, quality assurance tester
// here is statement in C++ to declare and initialize an array.
int denominations[]={1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100};
In C++, an array can be declare and initialize in a single statement.Syntax to declare and initialize an array in C++ is type <type> <name>[]={val1,vale2...valn}. Here first literal is type of array and second is name of the array.And in the {} braces value of the array.In the above statement type is integer and name of the array is "denominations" and the values are 1,5,10,25,50,100.
//here is implementation in C++.
// include headers
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// declare and initialize array
int denominations[]={1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100};
return 0;