Allan already had a heart attack and can try to prevent another one by changing the diet, exercising, or even quit smoking, but there are non-modifiable risks such as age, sex and generic heritage, so If Allan is over 40 years old, male or comes from a family with heart diseases, Allan needs to be extra careful because those factors cannot be changed no matter how the way of life is changed.
Cell membranes are selectively permeable which means it allow certain molecules to move across it into and out of the cell. Cells need to be able to transport these substances to live and grow.
Transport of ions, water maintains the osmotic pressure of the cell. Transport of sugars like glucose is necessary to generate energy for the metabolic activities of the cell. Gases like CO2 are waste products of metabolic reaction which are removed by the cell through the cell membrane. Amino acids are required to make proteins.
Transport across cell can occur through active and passive transport and transport of these substance are necessary for a cell to live and function properly.
plants need water to live plants store water in vacoule(s)
Sense Organs, taste buds are depicted in detail). The tongue consists of skeletal muscle, a lamina propria containing connective tissue and minor salivary glands, and stratified squamous epithelium.The 4X micrograph shows the rough dorsal surface as well as the mucous and serous glands present in the posterior tongue.
El Niño: an irregularly occurring and complex series of climatic changes affecting the equatorial Pacific region and beyond every few years, characterized by the appearance of unusually warm, nutrient-poor water off northern Peru and Ecuador, typically in late December.
La Niña: a cooling of the water in the equatorial Pacific, which occurs at irregular intervals, and is associated with widespread changes in weather patterns complementary to those of El Niño, but less extensive and damaging in their effects.
how they differ: La Niña is sometimes referred to as the cold phase of ENSO and El Niño as the warm phase of ENSO. These deviations from normal surface temperatures can have large-scale impacts not only on ocean processes, but also on global weather and climate. ... Typically, El Niño occurs more frequently than La Niña.