habia, desperte, oye, baje, veia, llamo, llegaron, apagaron, subio, rescato, murio. hope this helps :)
C. A principal
A principal will not be directed in the form "tú" (informal) but "usted" (<u>formal</u>).
En que' pai's comen= What Country Eats
"Las arepas"= The Arepas
Btw: <span>Arepa is a type of food made of ground maize dough or cooked flour prominent in the cuisine of Colombia and Venezuela. It is eaten daily in those countries and can be served with accompaniments such as cheese, avocado, or split to make sandwiches. </span>
<span> último reino musulmán de </span>al-Ándalus<span>, </span>1492 I hope this helps