They produce sperm and they secrete hormones (testosterone)
Remaining safe from self-inflicted injury
The priority is safety; the child must be protected from self-harm. Repetitive behaviors are comforting, and unless they are harmful their limitation is not a priority. Although feeding independently is a basic need that may be achieved, it is not the priority. Children who need help with toileting are not necessarily incontinent, and it is not the priority.
An unsafe abortion can potentially create life-threatening complications. According to WHO (2011), 25% of women who have such complications need emergency medical care. These complications include incomplete abortion, heavy bleeding, infection, uterine perforation, etc.
6 Steps Of Decision Making (Bike Helmet)
step 1: Identify the decision.
Step 2: Gather relevant information.
Step 3: Identify the alternatives.
Step 4: Weigh the evidence.
Step 5: Choose among alternatives.
Step 6: Take action.
Now, Apply this to buying a Bike Helmet.
step 1: Identify the decision- Identify the decision by looking at your choices.
step 2: Gather Relevant Information- What do I want the helmet to look like? Is there a specific type of helmet I need? Are the helmets resizable? ect.
step 3: Gather Information- Find out information on each of the helmets to choose from.
step 4: Weigh the evidence- Out of the given options, what helmet will suit my specific needs and style?
step 5: Choose among alternatives- This one looks better but will it protect my head?
step 6: Choose- chose the helmet based on the information from each helmet and decide which one I need.